How to Fill out a Bullet Journal Every Day

bullet journal spread with a partially filled in habit tracker and mood tracker with a fall leaf theme

I started bullet journaling in January 2019, and aside from a few breaks here and there, I have been pretty consistent with it. I use my bullet journal to track habits and moods, to write down to-do lists, and as a place to keep memories. If you have put in all the effort of creating your own bullet journal spreads, you want to actually use them every day! In this post, I am sharing how to fill out a bullet journal every day for a month.

bullet journal spread with a partially filled in habit tracker and mood tracker with a fall leaf theme

How to Fill out a Bullet Journal Every Day for a Month

Check out this video below to see how I filled out my bullet journal every day in November! I hope this motivates you to want to keep up with your bullet journal every day and to see how quick and easy it is.

Bujo with Andrea on YouTube

Speaking of YouTube videos, if you are not already subscribed to my bullet journaling channel on YouTube, then please do so! I started making bullet journal videos on YouTube at the end of May 2020, but I gradually transitioned that channel into a DIY channel.

In November 2021 I decided to start making bullet journaling videos again, but I wanted to do it on another channel. I know most people who have subscribed to me on my DIY channel are probably not into bullet journaling, and not everyone who likes bullet journaling will want to see DIYs and crafts.

If you want to see me set up my December bullet journal in real time, check out this video!

Bujo with Andrea on TikTok

I started TikTok before I ever planned on doing YouTube, in March 2020. It’s a similar story to my YouTube journey, but I started out making short bullet journaling videos on TikTok. However, as I transitioned my YouTube channel to be a DIY channel, I also changed over my TikTok account.

That being said….in November 2021 I also started a new TikTok account!

Thank you so much for checking out this post! I hope you will follow along and get planning with me!


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